In this captivating episode, John Penate shares the recent and remarkable twist in his life as he transitions from his retail job in California to once again becoming a tour guide in Rome, Italy. The unexpected offer from Liv Tours, a company he...
In this captivating episode, John Penate shares the recent and remarkable twist in his life as he transitions from his retail job in California to once again becoming a tour guide in Rome, Italy. The unexpected offer from Liv Tours, a company he previously helped launch, enticed him to return to Rome for the summer. With the promise of a guaranteed wage and an already-paid plane ticket, John seized the opportunity, eager to explore his passion for wine and ancient history while providing personalized tours of Rome's many renowned landmarks.
As an expert sommelier and history enthusiast, John brings a unique perspective to his tours, emphasizing the intimate and immersive experience that Liv Tours offers. The small group tours ensure that visitors can engage with the Colosseum, Vatican, and other famous attractions on a personal level, enjoying the chance to ask questions and delve into the captivating stories behind these iconic sites. However, John's plans extend beyond these guided tours, as he intends to visit the very best wineries in Italy, fostering connections and expanding his knowledge, all for his future wine tour business…in San Diego!
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Produced by Imagine Podcasting and recorded at the John Sanders Podcast Studio at the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Visit the studio here
Passion. John has always been passionate about what he loves. Maybe this is why he ended up in Rome, Italy at the tender age of 25. He already liked wine. By the age of 24 his favorite variety was Pinot Noir. Going to the supermarket in Rome enlightened him to a plethora of varietals he'd never heard of. This is when he fell in love with wine. As he dedicated himself to tourism, the natural hybrid of all his passions was to do wine, craft beer, and food tours. To do this he attended the Italian Association of Sommeliers, became a sommelier and then continued to do another year to gain the Master Taster Sommelier certificate. Shortly thereafter, became certified as a Sous Chef. Unfortunately, his time in Rome ended in 2016. Post-pandemic he gained employment at Total Wine, helping them open the Mission Valley store and then the Enicinitas store, where he now works.